Author name: Naryman Jumadurdyyev

Northern Cyprus

I’m glad you took the time to get to know Northern Cyprus. This island is an autonomous republic of Turkey. I will not tell you about what can be easily found on the Internet by googling and reading on Wikipedia. When I was offered to write an article about Northern Cyprus as a co-author, I gladly agreed. And thereby, I want to share with you my personal experience, but the question is, where do I even start?


Я лишь путник, на таинственных дорогах вселенной,
Я шел слепо во мраке, сквозь загадочные тучи.


Закрывая веки, Я начал видеть Сны,
Там есть Ты и Я, и Счастливые дни.

Energy Innovations and Modern Economy

Инновационные разработки в сфере возобновляемых источников энергии активно развиваются в связи с энергетическим кризисом за последние годы. Внедрения инновационных продуктов на рынок при помощи бизнес модели Продукт-Сервис Система, приведет к частичной замене традиционной энергетики и удовлетворению растущего спроса.

ProLuxMax – Our Craft – Part II

The next thing I did after creating ProLuxMax Promo was to decide not to stop but to continue. This video really needed an ending. So I create ending in two parts, first was in previous post ProLuxMax – Our Craft – Part I, and second one is this ProLuxMax – Our Craft – Part II. So enjoy the show!

ProLuxMax – Our Craft – Part I

OK, so when I finished the ProLuxMax – Promo video and uploaded it to the YouTube channel of the company, I sent a link to the owner. He went nuts. He didn’t expect that I would create such a thing for his company. I was really happy that he loved it. It is really dignifying when your masterpiece creates such a fabulous effect on people around you…

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